Meet ID5’s Marketing Team!

  • Posted by
  • On Aug 27, 2024

We know making your next career move can be daunting, so we’ve created this series to help make the process a little bit less intimidating. ID5’s Head of Recruitment, Jack Brawn, sat down with ID5’s marketing team to provide candidates with a sneak peek into what life at ID5 is like. Check out our open positions and get to know the team today!

Jo Rosamilia, Marketing Team Lead

What do you do at ID5?

I look after demand generation and partner marketing at ID5. It’s a role which suits me as I always have lots of different tasks to focus on throughout the day. I could be planning an event, speaking to a partner about an upcoming project to work on together, crafting an email marketing campaign or speaking to a supplier about a lead generation initiative.

What was your first internship? What did you learn?

My first job out of uni was a tour co-ordinator for a company that organized educational school trips to different places around the world. The countries/regions I was in charge of were Germany, Paris and the South of France and the USA. As a graduate of modern languages, it meant I could use my French on a daily basis to talk to suppliers, plus I had to pick up some German for trips to Berlin and the Rhine.

Although it wasn’t my dream job, it taught me some valuable lessons like attention to detail, multi-tasking and supplier management. I’ve kept those skills with me throughout my career and they still serve me well today.

What is your top tip for an intern?

Be pro-active in trying to learn as much about the company and the industry you’re working in as possible. Reach out to different teams to understand what they’re working on and why; read the industry press. The extra knowledge will pay off in the long run and you’ll find the time it takes for you to feel up-to-speed will be much shorter.

Valbona Gjini, Vice President of Marketing and Communications

What do you do at ID5?

I lead the marketing department and craft ID5’s marketing strategy, ensuring alignment with our business goals and seamless coordination with other departments’ initiatives. My role involves guiding the team’s efforts and providing support as needed, whether that means being hands-on or taking a step back. I focus on eliminating obstacles to enable each team member to complete their projects smoothly and efficiently. I also organize our renowned company offsites, where I enjoy creating experiences that bring us together, foster collaboration, while ensuring we all have a great time.

What was your first internship? What did you learn?

After exploring a marketing side job while working in the pharmaceutical industry, I realized that marketing was where my true passion lay. I took the plunge and officially began my marketing career with an internship at a tech startup in London, specializing in the martech sector. My primary focus was event management, and I quickly learned that events encompass a wide array of marketing elements—from content creation and relationship building to organization and negotiation. Most importantly, I discovered a genuine enjoyment in crafting exceptional experiences, which I believe is at the heart of successful event management.

What is your top tip for an intern?

Aside from soaking up as much knowledge as possible, my top tip for a marketing intern is to develop the ability to communicate clearly. This skill will streamline your work, help you get the answers you need more efficiently, and ensure your messages are received as intended. Pay attention to the communication styles of those you admire and try to incorporate their effective strategies into your own approach.

Adriana Jones Lima, Senior Marketing and Communications Manager

What do you do at ID5?

I own communications and PR at ID5. What does this actually mean? Some days this looks like reaching out to reporters to share exciting news. Other days I might be heads down writing a blog or informational report. There are few things I do week over week like maintaining ID5’s presence on social media, monitoring media mentions and news. Occasionally I get to partner with ID5’s HR team on internal communications initiatives as well. 

What was your first internship? What did you learn?

My first internship was a PR assistant for a celebrity hair care brand in California. Most of my time was spent packing boxes of shampoo for celebrity influencers and filling forms. Initially I thought PR might not be for me, but as time went on I was trusted with more responsibilities. I got to support award submissions, join reporter interviews, and even went on to negotiate a salon account! 

My key takeaway is that you have to start somewhere and there are lessons to be learned through each task you take on. Don’t worry you’ll get to the exciting work soon enough once you’ve demonstrated that you’ve mastered the basics. 

What is your top tip for an intern?

Take a notepad with you to every meeting – you will forget things, especially during the early days when you’re taking in so much new information. My second piece of advice is to be open to every opportunity. You never know what you’ll learn, who you’ll meet, or what that opportunity may lead to. The only caveat is to make sure you don’t spread yourself too thin, rest is essential for growth as well. 

Tatevik Mkrtchyan, Senior Product Marketing Manager

What do you do at ID5?

I lead product marketing activities at ID5, making sure our solutions are well positioned to reach the right audience, driving excitement, adoption and sales. My job is to understand the product inside and out – its features, benefits and unique values – and translate this knowledge into appealing messages that resonate with customers. I collaborate with various teams to plan launches, create impactful content and documentation, and spread the world about all the great things we build at ID5.

What was your first internship? What did you learn?

I didn’t choose the adtech life, the adtech life chose me. I began my marketing career as an intern at a small Berlin-based DSP, where I quickly became a proverbial jack of all marketing and communication trades. From organizing local networking events to creating sales pitches and launching the company website, I had the chance to experiment, hone skills and discover my passion for product marketing in a dynaming yet supportive environment.

I understand first-hand how intimidating all the tech jargon and buzzwords can be, but rest assured, you’re in good hands that will ease you into the exciting and ever-evolving world of digital advertising.

What is your top tip for an intern?

You’ll have the opportunity to work on a variety of projects alongside seasoned professionals. Make the most of your time at ID5 by trying new things, asking questions, and seizing every chance to learn and grow. As you discover your strengths and what you enjoy most, I highly recommend staying organized by tracking your project, tasks and deadlines. This will help you manage your time, resources, and expectations effectively.