Adsmovil Joins Forces with ID5 to Boost Publisher Monetization

  • Posted by
  • On Jul 18, 2024

Today,  Adsmovil, a data and technology company that offers global advertising solutions, has announced its partnership with ID5, the leading identity provider in the digital advertising industry, to distribute the ID5 ID. This partnership will empower publishers working with Adsmovil to increase audience addressability and monetization. 

As the industry navigates signal loss and restrictions across browser, mobile, and other environments, it requires identity based solutions that propel them forward in this new era of advertising. Since its inception, Adsmovil has built solutions that enable their customers to accurately and securely identify users without third-party cookies. While ID5 offers next-generation addressability tools with built-in data protection mechanisms designed to respect people’s privacy preferences and meet all identity-related needs in a complex and fragmented advertising ecosystem.

Adsmovil will distribute the ID5 to support their publishers to solve addressability challenges. To do this the ID5 ID harnesses a series of consented signals provided by media owners to securely identify users without compromising privacy and data protection, like the LGPD in and GDPR in the EU. Adsmovil’s publisher partners will now be able to better address and monetize consented users across browsers and devices. 

“With our ID5 collaboration, we will successfully take another step towards making our Adsmovil solutions future-proof, empowering our clients to activate audiences in cookieless environments and maximize the availability of first and third-party data for audience activation,” said Alberto Pardo, CEO of Adsmovil. “Whatever challenges the evolution of digital advertising and various regulations bring, with partners like ID5 we are guaranteed to be prepared, and to set our clients up  for success”

“Through this partnership Adsmovil’s publishers will benefit from enhanced addressability without having to worry about complying with global privacy regulations. . Our solution improves user recognition and matching rates to provide a stable, consented, and encrypted user ID to replace antiquated signals,” said Mathieu Roche, CEO and Co-Founder of ID5.

The partnership between Adsmovil and ID5 is a major step forward in the digital advertising landscape. By integrating ID5’s identity solutions, Adsmovil offers its clients enhanced data capabilities in a privacy-compliant manner. This collaboration not only addresses current challenges but sets a new standard for future-proof advertising strategies to ensure Adsmovil’s clients remain at the forefront of innovation.