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Apr 05, 2023

How demand-side platforms (DSPs) can optimize their clients’ addressability strategies

The industry is experiencing a significant shift that is tackling both publishers’ and advertisers’ ability to address audiences in a privacy-friendly way. Over the past few years, we have seen a variety of solutions, methodologies, and approaches emerging to solve the addressability and data protection challenge. Often, brands and publishers are faced with choice overload […]

Jan 13, 2023

Why supply-side platforms (SSPs) hold the key to a bright future for digital advertising

The digital media industry is going through a fundamental transformation driven by technical, regulatory, and behavioral changes. Supply-side platforms (SSPs) have a vital role to play in ensuring their publisher clients can benefit from the latest developments and innovations, particularly when it comes to addressability. Publishers rely on supply-side platforms to maximize demand density With […]

Aug 22, 2022

The role of ID distribution platforms explained

What are ID distribution platforms? ID distribution platforms are technologies that facilitate the implementation and management of alternative identity solutions as part of their offering. These platforms are incredibly valuable for publishers in a world where 35% of browser share is already cookieless and therefore unaddressable because they streamline ID management and enable the sharing […]

Aug 03, 2022

The role of data clean rooms in a privacy-first world

Data clean rooms have earned themselves a spot in the ‘hot topics’ category in recent months, but don’t be fooled, they are no new phenomenon to the industry. They have been around for many years but are now taking center stage for one overarching reason: the industry is becoming more and more privacy-focused. As we […]

Jun 29, 2022

Why advertisers should blaze the identity trail

Identity is the backbone of digital advertising. The ability to identify users enables brands to reach their audience effectively and implement essential campaign strategies such as targeting, frequency capping, and measurement. Today we live in a hybrid world where some environments are addressable and others are not. Historically, advertisers have relied upon third-party cookies and […]

May 20, 2022

The role of data providers and why third-party data doesn’t belong in the past

The role of the data provider Data providers are companies that collect user data and sell it to third parties to enrich their audience for targeting purposes. A data provider can own the property where the data is collected and sold, or act as a third party to the page. They provide marketers with audience […]

Apr 14, 2022

How publishers can lead the way in the new era of digital advertising

The role of the publisher Publishers are the ‘suppliers’ of the identity landscape, in other words, they start the supply and demand chain by selling their ad space to buyers. It is through selling ad space that publishers can provide their audience with the free content and services they know and love. It comes as […]

Mar 24, 2022

First-party IDs and identity resolution methods explained

The digital advertising ecosystem is heavily reliant on conventional identification tools that are set to be blocked soon. Ad tech platforms have built their technology on third-party cookies and mobile ad IDs to enable brands to deliver personalized experiences to their audience. Third-party cookies and MAIDs have been used as deterministic signals to identify, track, […]

Mar 09, 2022

The Identity landscape: introduction and different approaches to identification

This blog post is the first of a series that aims to explain the difference between all the identity solutions available in the market, the use cases they solve, as well as the role that different companies play in the identity landscape