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Aug 30, 2022

Integration Between Amobee and ID5 Enabled Boutique Wine Brand Gusbourne to Increase Reach and Conversion

ID5, the market-leading identity provider for digital advertising, in partnership with Amobee, a leading advertising platform for optimized cross-screen performance, today announced that they enabled boutique wine brand Gusbourne to expand its reach by 76% and achieve a conversion rate of 95% while reducing CPA by 23% for a recent direct-response, cross-device display campaign.  Nearly […]

Aug 22, 2022

The role of ID distribution platforms explained

What are ID distribution platforms? ID distribution platforms are technologies that facilitate the implementation and management of alternative identity solutions as part of their offering. These platforms are incredibly valuable for publishers in a world where 35% of browser share is already cookieless and therefore unaddressable because they streamline ID management and enable the sharing […]

Aug 19, 2022

ID5 Partner Q&A: Blockthrough

In this issue of the ID5 Partner Q&A series, we sit down for a Q&A with Blockthrough and hear from their Head of Strategy, Graham Michels to ask him seven questions about identity and preparing for the oncoming changes. What is the series all about? The Q&A with ID5 series invites its publisher, advertiser, and platform partners to […]

Aug 16, 2022

How to Thrive in the Cookieless Present: EP1 with CPEx

The digital advertising industry is in a state of flux with the continual deprecation of traditional signals, changing privacy regulations, and big tech’s influence. The ‘cookieless future’ is a phrase we are all far too familiar with. But what about the cookieless present? Advertisers and publishers are already missing out on reaching valuable audiences in […]

Aug 15, 2022

IBM Reaches and Retargets Segment of 1.4 Million B2B Safari Users With ID5 and MediaMath

ID5, the market-leading identity provider, in partnership with technology pioneer MediaMath, today announced that they enabled IBM to reach and retarget 1.4 million B2B users in Safari and benefit from more competitive CPMs while honoring the users’ privacy choices. With 40% of global traffic currently unaddressable due to restrictions on third-party cookies in Safari, Firefox, […]

Aug 03, 2022

The role of data clean rooms in a privacy-first world

Data clean rooms have earned themselves a spot in the ‘hot topics’ category in recent months, but don’t be fooled, they are no new phenomenon to the industry. They have been around for many years but are now taking center stage for one overarching reason: the industry is becoming more and more privacy-focused. As we […]

Jul 01, 2022

Q&A with ID5: PubMatic

In this issue of ID5’s Partner Q&A series, we sit down with PubMatic’s Regional Vice President, Addressability, EMEA, Kofi Amoako to ask him nine questions around identity and preparing for the oncoming changes. What is the series all about? The Q&A with ID5 series invites its publisher, advertiser, and platform partners to share their insights on the big […]

Jun 29, 2022

Why advertisers should blaze the identity trail

Identity is the backbone of digital advertising. The ability to identify users enables brands to reach their audience effectively and implement essential campaign strategies such as targeting, frequency capping, and measurement. Today we live in a hybrid world where some environments are addressable and others are not. Historically, advertisers have relied upon third-party cookies and […]

Jun 27, 2022

How-to guide: publisher installation of the ID5 ID module via Prebid

If you’re a publisher considering integrating the ID5 ID, you may also be considering doing so via Prebid, the most widely used header bidding wrapper on the web., an engine that crawls 209,975 of the top websites, has identified that 100,043 of those publishers are using Prebid. Prebid was launched in 2015 to simplify […]

Jun 07, 2022

How-to guide: publisher integration of the ID5 ID via Google Secure Signals

If you are a publisher considering integrating the ID5 ID, keep on reading to find out how straightforward it is to integrate with us via Google Secure Signals. We know that the new era of digital advertising is daunting – the entire industry having to adapt to a world without traditional identifiers is quite the […]

May 31, 2022

Your guide to Cannes Lions 2022

Click here to access our 2023 guide. Attending Cannes Lions this year? Stay on top of the great content the festival has to offer with ID5’s comprehensive guide to all the best events that you won’t want to miss. Scroll to find out what’s on. If you’re hosting an event at Cannes and want to […]

May 30, 2022

Q&A with ID5: Piano

In this issue of ID5’s Partner Q&A series, we sit down with Piano’s Chief Growth Officer, Joanna Catalano to ask her seven questions surrounding some of the latest trends and figures in identity. What is the series all about? The Q&A with ID5 series invites its publisher, advertiser, and platform partners to share their insights on the hot […]